Back together! The Policy Dialogue Consortium meets again

Published: December 22, 2022

For the first time after almost three years the partners from the Policy Dialogue Consortium came physically together in Nairobi, Kenya. Between 22-25 of November 2022, they shared activities and experiences from the closing 3rd project phase and discussed the future of the project.

from left to right: Ulrike (H3), Catherine (DESECE), Daniela (H3), Kizito (DESECE). Ulrike recently took over the coordination of the Policy Dialogue Project from Daniela.

We are very happy that a new project phase, funded once again by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), is starting in January 2023. It will bring the development of an online course for Policy Dialogue (PD) and the creation of a Community of Practice (or similar network) to encourage collaborative learning on PD. The Austrian consortium partners are CARE, CARITAS, SOS Kinderdorf and HORIZONT3000 together with the East African partner organisations: DESECE, GROOTS Kenya, CARE Uganda, PACIDA, SOS Children’s Village Uganda and SOS Children’s Village Tanzania.

“The event went very well: we are learning new things, we have shared experiences and realized how other partner organisations are implementing their projects, picking up some good lessons.”

– Francis Ssemanda, ACODEWE (Partner of SOS Children‘s Village Uganda)

“As a ‘grassroots man’, I am learning a lot from the experts, who have been working in Policy Dialogue for some time. And I was happy to share on our part what we are doing on Policy Dialogue at Groots Kenya. This project has really helped us to achieve some of the targets that we have in our areas of operation.”

– Humphrey Ngaine Muriuki, GROOTS Kenya – Grassroots men for women champion

During the last non-virtual meeting of the Consortium in Nairobi, an important milestone was presented: the Policy Dialogue Manual. This year’s event featured the premiere of the Policy Dialogue animated video: it summarises the content of the PD Manual in a concise and accessible manner, so that more people can learn about the theory and practice of the Policy Dialogue approach.

Diego Freudenthaler

Diego Freudenthaler

Diego is currently supporting the Knowledge Management Team in Vienna. His main playground is the KNOW-HOW3000 platform and everything concerned with it. Don’t hesitate to contact him if you have any requests, questions, recommendations or comments regarding the platform. We are always grateful for improvement suggestions.

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