Category News: Human Rights - Civil Society

SDG 5: Gender Responsive Training in East Africa

: Published: September 7, 2022:

In the past decade countries in East Africa have made strides in advancing the rights of women. The social political and economic status of women have improved for example. There is an increase in the number of women holding political positions reflected in the number of women representatives in parliament: Tanzania is at 37%, South Sudan …

COVID-19: Being a woman in a digital and a real world in crisis

: Published: April 13, 2021:

Gloria Alzate Castaño is the director of our partner organisation Conciudadanía in Antioquia, Colombia. The organisation was founded in 1991 and since then has aimed to develop pedagogical and mobilisation actions in the Department of Antioquia, in order to secure the peoples rights. They pursue this objective through the promotion of peaceful coexistence, peace building, development planning …

Sharing and Learning: Policy Dialogue – East Africa 2022

: Published: November 8, 2022:

From managing cross-border Covid-19 travel restrictions to organising the most appropriate content: these were some of the challenges Regional Office – East Africa team faced in the preparation of the Policy Dialogue – East Africa 2022 biennial regional sharing event that brought together over 20 participants from Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. In the end, everyone had memories …

Colombia: Give Peace a Chance

: Published: March 9, 2021:

: More haste, less speed.:

This is the slogan that Michaela describes her assignment with. Michaela Söllinger is an unusual new Technical Advisor: She is the first TA ever to set out on an assignment for peace [Correction by the author: I have been made aware of the fact that there has already been one peace assignment in Guatemala …

From an inclusive language to communicating with a rights-based approach

: Published: February 9, 2023:

HORIZONT3000 partner organisations in Central America have initiated a process of awareness-raising on the appropriate use of inclusive language. During the Regional Meeting of the Communities of Practice held in Guatemala in October 2022, a consultation was held among all HORIZONT3000 partner organisations on the use of inclusive and non-sexist language, both in the media …

Interview Series - Programme Report 2020: Mozambique

: Published: October 18, 2021:

Here we go again – another round of our report special. This time, Elisabeth Moder, Programme Coorindator of Mozambique and Sector Coordinator of Human Rights and Civil Society, shares her point of view on the reports 2020 with us. We talked about suprises, lessons learned and highlights that came along with the report process.

How …

Salvaguarda: Notes on women's participation in environmental management

: Published: March 7, 2023:

: Written by: Luz Mery Hernández P y Natalia Calderón – Salvaguarda Project:

Salvaguarda (“Saveguard”) is an innovative project that aims to strengthen proactive environmental citizenship. The project is being implemented by HORIZONT3000 and Conciudadanía since 1.1.2020. It is funded by the European Union in the framework of its Civil Society Commitment and supported by the Austrian …


: Published: June 16, 2021:

The Association Ixoqib MIRIAM is an organisation of indigenous Guatemalan women led by graduates of the Education and Empowerment Programme. The association specialises in the promotion of education, gender justice, prevention of violence against women, adolescents and girls, and comprehensive care and reparation for victims of violence using a …

Interview! Lessons from the gender mentoring Process in Ethiopia

: Published: June 20, 2023:

Contributing to SDG 5 has always been an important aim in our work at HORIZONT30000 (“Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls”). With our new framework programme this task has taken a leading role again. After all, there is a reason why the new programme is called “Gender Equality 4 Sustainable Development”. …

We cultivated our relationships like you water plants to make them grow

: Published: November 22, 2021:

Grassroots participation in public budget planning

In Kenya – like in many other countries – Public Finance Management processes are still either misunderstood or not known at all to many citizens. They have remained a reserve of government technocrats and a section of elected leaders. As a result of this exclusionary process, access to quality public basic services …

Announcement: KNOWLYMPICS 2023

: Published: July 10, 2023:

Pour la version française de cet article, veuillez cliquer ici.: : Para acessar a versão em português deste artigo, clique aqui.

Dear colleagues,: : we are thrilled to announce the highly anticipated KNOWLYMPICS 2023, our yearly knowledge sharing games!  : : The KNOWLYMPICS serve as a vital tool within our Knowledge Management Programme, fostering the capitalisation of experiences …

LeMuSiCa's First Learning Visits

: Published: November 18, 2021:

November has not even come to an end yet – for LeMuSiCa, however, it has already been a special month so far: On November 3 and 4, LeMuSiCa conducted the first learning visits funded by HORIZONT3000s KNOW-HOW3000 programme. First, we visited the SOS Childrens Village in Chimoio. On the second day, we got the chance to get …

Workshop: A system for effective decision-making

: Published: August 25, 2023: This article was written by advisor Renate Sova (HORIZONT3000).

Recently, as part of one of my positions as an advisor for organisational development in Guatemala, I facilitated an introduction to the system of sociocracy and its tools for the organisation Ixoqib Miriam.: : Sociocracy is a system of decision-making and governance that aims to create a more …

Interview Series - Programme Report 2020: Central America

: Published: September 30, 2021:

Welcome to round 3 of our interview series on the 2020 programme reports. This time, we invited our colleague Kristina Kroyer, programme coordinator of Central America, to share her thoughts on the process, highlights, lessons learned and surprises with us. Keep reading and find out what has moved our partner organisations in Central America in 2020.

Kristina, how …

Child & Youth Protection Policies: Lessons from Central America

Published: September 6, 2023

In 2021 I began one of the most enriching experiences of my professional life, providing technical advice to DKA, HORIZONT3000, and kfb partner organisations in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala, The purpose? To formulate or update these oganisation’s policies for the protection of children and adolescents. 

Art workshop for a child-friendly version of policies in El Salvador
Protection policies aim to guarantee …

LeMuSiCa: Valid legal situation - a brush-up

: Published: September 30, 2021:

: For the Portuguese version of this post please click here.:

After having participated successfully in the KNOWLYMPICS2020 with the Good Practice: Engaging men and boys in the fight against gender-based-violence, LeMuSica used the prize money to conduct a 3-day workshop. The event was aimed at LeMuSiCa advisory staff from the Women, Girls, Kindergarten …

Training: Finding gender-just responses to climate change

: Published: October 25, 2023:

Climate change and its impacts pose a severe threat to sustainable development. While this is true all around the globe, Africa is the region that is the most affected.


: Published: October 19, 2021:



: All change, (…), begins when few people start talking with one another about somthing they care about.: – M. J. Wheatley, 2009:

Rescue Dada Centre is a Charitable Children’s Institution which was established in 1992. Since its inception it has …

Human Rights-Based Approach Training under Policy Dialogue East Africa

: Published: 29 November 2023:

Policies are for the well-being of everyone within a community and contributes to the upholding, promoting, protecting and respecting of human rights. Civil society organizations have been vital in facilitating policy dialogues that have registered positive results, ensuring single or multiple rights are respected. Policy dialogues have had positive impact, like: : engaging in government budgeting in …

Interview Series - TA Report with Magdalena Schneidhofer

: Published: October 18, 2021:

What are our TAs up to? I took the interview series as an opportunity to catch up with some of our Technical Advisors and see what they have to tell us about their projects, challenges, hightlights, lessons learned etc.: : This is how I came to have a very interesting conversation with Magdalena Schneidhofer, TA at Justice Centre …

with funding from