Category News: Partner Organisations

SDG 5: Gender Responsive Training in East Africa

: Published: September 7, 2022:

In the past decade countries in East Africa have made strides in advancing the rights of women. The social political and economic status of women have improved for example. There is an increase in the number of women holding political positions reflected in the number of women representatives in parliament: Tanzania is at 37%, South Sudan …

Interview Series – Programme Report 2020: East Africa

: Published: August 30, 2021:

This is the second episode of our report special. This time, Ulrike Bey, Programme Coorindator of Kenya and Tanzania, shares her point of view on the reports 2020 with us. We talked about suprises, lessons learned and highlights that came along with the report process.

How would you describe the reporting process in general?

The …

INTERVIEW! JUSTICE CENTRES UGANDA & a Life Changing Exchange Event

: Published: September 28, 2022:

4 days. Around 40 organizations. Lots of learnings and at least one life changed.  Angela Mwanje, the Advocacy and Communications Officer of our Partner Organisation Justice Centres Uganda (JCU), is happy about how the exchange event they organized this year turned out. It created new partnerships, new opportunities and new goals to reach.

Starting …

ERI has done it again!

: Published: October 12, 2022:

The ERI (Enabling Rural Innovation) East Africa Project has undertaken yet another systematisation of their experiences. For those who have not heard about it yet, ERI is a strategic approach that helps smallholder farmers to become self-reliant entrepreneurs (read more about it here). It motivates farmers to organise themselves into strong …


: Published: October 13, 2022:

On 1st September, 2022, HORIZONT3000 held the first global ERI symposium at Las Vegas Hotel, Kampala, Uganda in East Africa. : : Since the KNOWHOW3000 program of HORIZONT3000 exists to foster cross learning between HORIZONT3000 partners and other actors, this symposium was organized to provide a platform for various stakeholders to learn from …

INTERVIEW! A treasure trove of knowledge

: Published: November 29, 2022:

: FUNDESYRAMs virtual library is worth gold! It is an extraordinary contribution to knowledge management in the field of agroecology, both highlighting the importance of womens work and their connections to the environment.: – Christina Hörnicke, Regional Director Central America, HORIZONT3000: :  : : The Salvadoran organisation FUNDESYRAM is well known among many people working on agroecology in Central …

Training: Sustainable irrigation systems

: Published: December 7, 2022:

After last year’s successful training about “Production (and commercialization) of good quality seed in the family sector”, this year was organized another agriculture training in Mozambique. The topic was chosen by partner organisations of HORIZONT3000, which saw an urgent need to learn more about “Sustainable irrigation systems in the context of climate crisis”. The training took …

Insights of the AGM 2022 in Mozambique

: Published: January 5, 2023:

: Para a versão portuguesa deste artigo por favor clique aqui.:

After three years of pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the AGM 2022 took place again in presence a few days ago in Beira – it was a big success! In total 27 different organisations met on the 23 and 24 of November in …

Dakar Conference: Agroecology as a response to the climate catastrophe

: Published: February 6, 2023: Retrouvez la version française ci-dessous (ou téléchargez-la au format PDF ici).:

: We came to this conference to promote an agroecology that includes grassroots actors. We want to make agroecology a reality, not only in Senegal, but in all of Africa. : – Ndiaga Sall, Project Manager of ENDA Santé – partner organisation of HORIZONT3000:

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From an inclusive language to communicating with a rights-based approach

: Published: February 9, 2023:

HORIZONT3000 partner organisations in Central America have initiated a process of awareness-raising on the appropriate use of inclusive language. During the Regional Meeting of the Communities of Practice held in Guatemala in October 2022, a consultation was held among all HORIZONT3000 partner organisations on the use of inclusive and non-sexist language, both in the media …

The impact of KNOW-HOW3000 in Central America

: Published: April 4, 2023:

In Central America, one of the most enduring activities of the KNOW-HOW3000 Knowledge Management Programme has been the Communities of Practice. Two groups in particular have been very active for many years: the Community of Practice Advocacy for Womens and Youth Rights and the Community of Practice Rural Family.: : In 2022, after overcoming several challenges, including continuing …

Participatory workshops for organisational analysis

: Published: June 1, 2023:

In the last two weeks of May I facilitated workshops with each of our four partner organisations in Guatemala using a participatory SWOT method to analyse strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The aim of the workshops was to determine the current situation of the organisations and to identify improvement measures for the new framework programme.

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Announcement: KNOWLYMPICS 2023

: Published: July 10, 2023:

Pour la version française de cet article, veuillez cliquer ici.: : Para acessar a versão em português deste artigo, clique aqui.

Dear colleagues,: : we are thrilled to announce the highly anticipated KNOWLYMPICS 2023, our yearly knowledge sharing games!  : : The KNOWLYMPICS serve as a vital tool within our Knowledge Management Programme, fostering the capitalisation of experiences …

Unlocking Potential: Talking about Knowledge Management with Mary Gatitu, Director of Rescue Dada Centre

: Published: December 9, 2020:

News Report on Online Session Series “Knowledge Management for Beginners”

HORIZONT3000’s partner organisations in East Africa have a wealth of knowledge and experiences that could contribute to the achievements of their strategic goals. However, with many organisations this knowledge resides within the heads of staff and is not readily available for other staff or outsiders. Systematically managing knowledge …

Interview! Marjú Changanja on Communication, Knowledge Management and Gender

: Published: September 14, 2023:

Most local NGOs in Mozambique do not have dedicated communications staff. Instead, it is common for a member of the staff to allocate a portion of their working time each week or month to communication activities. At the end of 2021, I joined Associação ESMABAMA with the challenge of establishing the Communications Department from scratch, a …

Launch of Resource Mobilisation Manual

: Published: August 16, 2021:

On 21st July 2021 KNOW-HOW3000 launched a resource mobilisation guide to all our colleagues and partners. We have noticed that our partners in East Africa need support in increasing their capacity to mobilise resources – be it to raise funds from donors or to generate income from social enterprises. While trainings or individual consultancies are very effective …

Exchange Visit to El Salvador: We Went There to Learn

: Published: July 31, 2022:

My colleagues and I, part of the Salvaguarda project team, packed our bags for fourteen days in El Salvador. The trip was planned since November 2021 when we agreed on the dates and intentions of the experiences exchange between civil society organizations supported by the Austrian cooperation in El Salvador (Horizont3000, DKA and the Austrian Development …

Sharing Event on Gender-Based Violence in Mozambique

: Published: April 27, 2022:

: Para a versão portuguesa deste artigo por favor clique aqui.: Clicar aqui para ver todas as apresentações.:

: Beira, Mozambique. On the 20 and 21 of April 2022 a Sharing Event took place in Mozambique, where in total 60 participants shared and discussed different …

Diego Santos and Central America: "Let's show the people that we stand with them!"

: Published: November 2, 2020:

In the midst of one meeting after the other and the thorough handover process of the Programme Coordination of the Central American Region to his successor Kristina Kroyer, Diego Santos-Santiago managed to take the time to have a chat with me, answer some questions and paint a picture of the current situation in Central America regarding our …

Knowledge Management: Learning in Civil Society Organizations

: Published: November 27, 2020:

Before starting to coordinate the KNOW-HOW3000 programme in Central America, I had never put that much thought into what knowledge management actually meant. Thus I started to research and read that knowledge management experienced a peak moment in the 80s in the scope of the business world. In order for the employees to be more competitive, business owners were …

with funding from