Training: Sustainable irrigation systems

Published: December 7, 2022

After last year’s successful training about “Production (and commercialization) of good quality seed in the family sector”, this year was organized another agriculture training in Mozambique. The topic was chosen by partner organisations of HORIZONT3000, which saw an urgent need to learn more about “Sustainable irrigation systems in the context of climate crisis”. The training took place on the 18 and 19 of October in the catholic Mission of Marera, in Manica province. 

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Who organised the event and who participated?  

Kubatsirana, a Mozambican HORIZONT3000 partner organisation, who is also active in agriculture in Manica province, organised this event together with the HORIZONT3000 Mozambique team. The Event was sponsored by the knowledge management program of HORIZONT3000, called KNOW-HOW3000. The range of participants was broad: in total participated 25 agriculture technicians and teachers from 9 different (partner) organisations (Young Africa, Esmabama, Agriculture Institute of Marera, etc.).  

What happened in these two days? 

In the first day we discussed the challenges and constraints in the face of climate change and based on that and other factors, how to select an appropriate irrigation system. The day was full of lively discussions between the participants, both in group works and open plenum, which shared their practical experiences and challenges from the field work. In the second day, we installed a drip irrigation system and various tools for managing successful irrigation systems were demonstrated. In the end of the day, open questions were solved and strong synergies between the participants created.  

Comments from participants: 

Comment Xavier Razão, Project Manager of Kubatsirana:  

“The training was an added value to tackle issues related to climate crisis and sustainable agriculture. In some of our intervention areas there is an abundance of irrigation water that needs adequate rational use so that communities produce food throughout the year. The methodology used during the training contributed to our knowledge of the topic.” 

Comment Luis Vildozo, Technial Advisor HORIZONT3000:  

“I really liked participating and helping in the organization of this event, not only because of the discussions with lot of technical know-how but also because of the serious concerns about the impact of climate crisis of the participants. Not only was technical information and knowledge transmitted in a structured way, but the pricing and delivery options for irrigation systems were also mentioned.” 

Comment Mareen Zeitelhofer, Technical Advisor HORIZONT3000:  

“It was a pleasure for me to organise and participate! I gained a lot of insights about the challenges of implementing sustainable irrigation systems in Mozambique. In fact, the topic is quite complex and many factors need to be considered. Luckily, we had a very competent and experienced consultant who helped us through all of these difficulties and questions. The feedback from the participants was very positive, which made all the work worth it. I am looking forward to the next event!”  

Mareen Zeitelhofer

Mareen Zeitelhofer

Olá! Eu sou Mareen e apoio o escritório do HORIZONT3000 na Beira, Moçambique, nas áreas de "Gestão do Conhecimento" e "Gestão de Projectos". Estou ansioso por ouvir de vós! :) Saudações de Beira, Mareen

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