Tag: Land Rights

Good Practice: Advocating for indigenous land rights

Organisation: Jesuit Hakimani Centre (JHC) ; Country: Kenya: : AT A GLANCE: Indigenous communities advocating for land rights (English)

Learning from failure: Community Sensitation and Awareness Campaigns

Country: Uganda; Organisation: Resource Rights Africa: : AT A GLANCE: Lecture Mode During Community Sensitation and Awareness Campaigns (English): : A UN VISTAZO: Uso de la modalidad de conferencia durante las campañas de sensibilización y concienciación de la comunidad (Spanish): : IN DETAIL: Lecture Mode During Community Sensitation and Awareness Campaigns (English)

Good Practice: Enhancing Access to Land for Refugees in Refugee Settlements for Livelihood Transformation

Country: Uganda; Organisation: PALM Corps: : AT A GLANCE: Enhancing Access to Land for Refugees in Refugee Settlements for Livelihood Transformation (English): : A UN VISTAZO: Mejora del acceso a tierra cultivable en los asentamientos de refugiados para la transformación y desarrollo de los medios de vida (Spanish): :  : :  

Good Practice: Transforming Livelihoods of Refugees by Easing Access to Land for Agriculture

Country: Uganda; Organisation: AFARD: : AT A GLANCE: Transforming Livelihoods of Refugees by Easing Access to Land for Agriculture (English): : A UN VISTAZO: Transformandola forma de vidade refugiados/as facilitandoel accesoa terrenopara la agricultura (Español): :  : :  

Learning from failure: Poor Participation of Women in Public Debates on Land Rights

Country: Tanzania; Organization: Land Rights Research & Resources Institute (LARRRI/HAKIARDHI): : AT A GLANCE: Poor Participation of Women in Public Debates on Land Rights  (English): : AT A GLANCE: Baja participación de las mujeres en debates públicos sobre los derechos de propiedad (Spanish): : IN DETAIL: Poor Participation of Women in Public Debates on

Good Practice: Workers without land struggeling for their right to land

Country: Brazil; Organization: Pastoral Land Commission 2 (CPT): : AT A GLANCE: The Fight for and the Acquiring of Land by the Landless Workers in Engenho Prado, Brazil (English): : AT A GLANCE: Luta e conquista da terra peolos trabalhadoras/es sem terra (Portuguese): : AT A GLANCE: Lucha por y conquista de la …

Good Practice: Resisting subjection - a Quilombola Community struggling for their rights

: Country: Brazil; Organization: Comissão Pastoral da Terra  (CPT): AT A GLANCE: Resisting subjection – a quilombola community struggling for their rights (English): : AT A GLANCE: Resistência e luta da comunidade Varzinha dos Quilombolas (Portuguese): : AT A GLANCE: Resistencia a la sumisión de la comunidad quilombola (Spanish): : …

Learning from Failure: Expulsion of a fishing community

Country: Brazil; Organization: Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT): : AT A GLANCE: Expulsion of a fishing community from their traditional territory (English): : AT A GLANCE: Expulsão de uma comunidade pesqueira do seu território tradicional (Portuguese): : AT A GLANCE: Expulsion dune communauté de pêcheurs de son territoire (French): : …

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