Tag: Market Access

Good Practice: Improving Market Access for South Sudanese Refugees

Country: Uganda; Organisation: PALM Corps: : AT A GLANCE: Improving Market Access for South Sudanese Refugees (English): : A UN VISTAZO: Mejora del acceso al mercado para los refugiados del sur de Sudán (Spanish)

Good Practice: Workers without land struggeling for their right to land

Country: Brazil; Organization: Pastoral Land Commission 2 (CPT): : AT A GLANCE: The Fight for and the Acquiring of Land by the Landless Workers in Engenho Prado, Brazil (English): : AT A GLANCE: Luta e conquista da terra peolos trabalhadoras/es sem terra (Portuguese): : AT A GLANCE: Lucha por y conquista de la …

Good Practice: ERI - Enabling Rural Innovation

Country: Region East Africa; Organization: Various (Programme ERI): : AT A GLANCE: ERI (English): : AT A GLANCE: Facilitar la Innovación Rural (Spanish): : IN DETAIL: ERI (English): : Additional Materials: : Enabling Rural Innovation (ERI) – Farmer Facilitators Manual (English): : Manual Enabling Rural Innovation (ERI) Intro (English)

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