Category: Mozambique

Walking a Tightrope Under Covid-19

: Published: December 21, 2020:


I have to admit, this is a somewhat attention-grabbing title for an experience report that attempts to describe the balancing act that my work as an advisor in the development sector in Mozambique in 2020 entailed. What do I mean here by tightrope walk?

I went to Mozambique at …

Sharing Event on Gender-Based Violence in Mozambique

: Published: April 27, 2022:

: Para a versão portuguesa deste artigo por favor clique aqui.: Clicar aqui para ver todas as apresentações.:

: Beira, Mozambique. On the 20 and 21 of April 2022 a Sharing Event took place in Mozambique, where in total 60 participants shared and discussed different …

Good Practice: Sustained male involvement in family life

Country: Mozambique; Organisation: Jossoal: : AT A GLANCE: Sustained male involvement in family life: :  : : País: Moçambique; Organização: Jossoal: : COM UM OLHAR: Envolvimento masculino sustentado na vida familiar: :  

Good Practice: Combining fish farming with sustainable horticulture

: : : : : : : : Organisation: Kubatsirana; Country:  Mozambique: : AT A GLANCE: Combining fish farming with sustainable horticulture (English): : COM UM OLHAR : Combinação de piscicultura com horticultura sustentável (Portuguese): : EM DETALHE: Combinação de piscicultura com horticultura sustentável (Portuguese): : : : : : : :

A day in the life of a Technical Advisor: Peter Tantius

: Published: September 15, 2020:

The Knowledge Management team is always busy trying to make knowledge transfers possible and easier between members of our community. Recently, Peter Tantius, Technical Advisor (TA) in Mozambique, has supported our intentions often. He got in touch with us in order to share several documents that he thought might be of benefit for other projects as well …

Good Practice: Training on the use of bio-pesticides

Organisation: ESMABAMA; Country:  Mozambique: : AT A GLANCE: Training on the use of bio-pesticides in agricultural institutes and communities to combat and control pests (English): : COM UM OLHAR : Formação e uso de bio pesticidas nos Institutos agrários e

Good Practice: Organic Fertilizer based on Cow Dung

Organisation: Young Africa Agri-Tech, Dondo (YAAT); Country: Mozambique: : AT A GLANCE: Producing Organic Fertilizer based on Cow Dung (English): : COM UM OLHAR: Produçãode Adubo O

Learning from Good Practice: Engaging Men in the Fight Against Gender-Based Violence

Country: Mozambique; Organisation: LeMuSiCa: : AT A GLANCE: Engaging Men in the Fight against Gender-Based Violence (English): : COM UM OLHAR: Envolver homens e rapazes na luta contra violência baseada no gênero (Portuguese): : EM DETALHE: Envolver homens e rapazes na luta contra violência baseada no gênero (Portuguese)

Good Practice: Growing Tomatoes on Contaminated Soils

Country: Mozambique; Organisation: Young Africa Agri-Tech: : AT A GLANCE: Growing Tomatoes on Contaminated Soils (English): : A UN VISTAZO: Cultivando Tomates en Suelos Contaminados (Spanish): : IN DETAIL: Growing Tomatoes on Contaminated Soils (English)

Good Practice: Vocational training franchising the departments to local entrepreneurs

Country: Mozambique; Organization: Young Africa (YA): : AT A GLANCE: Vocational training franchising the departments to local entrepreneurs (English): : IN DETAIL: Vocational training franchising the departments to local entrepreneurs (English): : AT A GLANCE: Formación vocacional con emprendedores locales (Spanish): : AT A GLANCE: Formation professionnelle en

Good Practice: Environmental Management

Country: Mozambique; Organization: Catholic University of Mozambique: Faculty of Tourism and Information Technology (FGTI): : AT A GLANCE: Environmental Management (English): : AT A GLANCE: Gestión Medioambiental (Spanish): : IN DETAIL: Environmental Management (English)

Good Practice: OPUS - OPen University Systems

Country: Mozambique; Organization: Catholic University of Mozambique (UCM): : AT A GLANCE: OPUS – OPen University Systems (English): : AT A GLANCE: OPUS – OPen University Systems (Spanish): : IN DETAIL: OPUS – OPen University Systems (English)

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