Category: Learning from Failure

Learning from Failure: Fight for Ban on Pesticides

Country: El Salvador; Organisation: Fundación Segundo Montes (FSM): : AT A GLANCE: Fight for Ban on Pesticides in El Salvador (English): : A UN VISTAZO: La lucha contra los agrotóxicos en El Salvador (Español): : IN DETAIL: La lucha contra los agrotóxicos en El Salvador (Español)

Learning from failure: Community Sensitation and Awareness Campaigns

Country: Uganda; Organisation: Resource Rights Africa: : AT A GLANCE: Lecture Mode During Community Sensitation and Awareness Campaigns (English): : A UN VISTAZO: Uso de la modalidad de conferencia durante las campañas de sensibilización y concienciación de la comunidad (Spanish): : IN DETAIL: Lecture Mode During Community Sensitation and Awareness Campaigns (English)

Learning from Failure: Control of the Pine Bark Beetle

Country: El Salvador; Organisation: Fundación Segundo Montes: : AT A GLANCE: Control of the Pine Bark Beetle in Morazán (English): : A UN VISTAZO: El Control del Gorgojo Descortezador en Morazán (Español): : Systematisation of the Learning from Failure experience: Control of the Pine Bark Beetle in Morazán (Español): :  : :  

Learning from Failure: Improving Agricultural Input Distribution

Country: Uganda; Organisation: PALM Corps: : AT A GLANCE: Improving Agricultural Input Distribution (English): : A UN VISTAZO: Mejora de la distribución de insumos agrícolas (español)

Learning from Failure: Limitations of the implementation of an organic production process

Country: El Salvador; Organisation: Fundación Segundo Montes (FSM): : EN UN VISTAZO: Limitantes para emprender un proceso de producción orgánica (español): : At a Glance: Limitations of the implementation of an organic production process (inglés): : In Detail: Limitantes para emprender un proceso de producción orgánica  (español)

Learning from Failure: Farmers´ failing to manage revolving funds for constructing water tanks

Country: Uganda; Organization: Caritas MADDO: : AT A GLANCE: Farmers´failing to manage revolving funds for constructing water tanks (English): : AT A GLANCE: El fallo de agricultores de manejar un fondo rotatorio para construir tanques de agua (Spanish): : IN DETAIL: Farmers´failing to manage revolving funds for constructing water tanks (English)

Learning from failure: EcoSan toilets use & waste management

Country: Kenya; Organization: Development Education Services For Community Empowerment (DESECE): : AT A GLANCE: EcoSan toilets use & waste management (English): : AT A GLANCE: Inodoros EcoSan y gestión de residuos (Spanish): : IN DETAIL: EcoSan toilets use & waste management (English)

Learning from failure: Poor Participation of Women in Public Debates on Land Rights

Country: Tanzania; Organization: Land Rights Research & Resources Institute (LARRRI/HAKIARDHI): : AT A GLANCE: Poor Participation of Women in Public Debates on Land Rights  (English): : AT A GLANCE: Baja participación de las mujeres en debates públicos sobre los derechos de propiedad (Spanish): : IN DETAIL: Poor Participation of Women in Public Debates on

Learning from failure: Ignoring the power of women to influence men

Country: Uganda; Organization: Loyoro Catholic Parish: : AT A GLANCE: Ignoring the power of women to influence men (English): : AT A GLANCE: Ignoring the power of women to influence men (Spanish): : IN DETAIL: Ignoring the power of women to influence men (English)

Learning from Failure: Expulsion of a fishing community

Country: Brazil; Organization: Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT): : AT A GLANCE: Expulsion of a fishing community from their traditional territory (English): : AT A GLANCE: Expulsão de uma comunidade pesqueira do seu território tradicional (Portuguese): : AT A GLANCE: Expulsion dune communauté de pêcheurs de son territoire (French): : …

Learning from Failure: Teenage mother recruitment for livelihood program

Country: Kenya; Organization: Mathare Childrens Fund panairobi (MCFp): AT A GLANCE: Teenage mothers recruitment for livelihood programme (English): : AT A GLANCE: Proceso de reclutamiento de madres adolescentes para el programa de medios de subsistencia (Spanish): : IN DETAIL: Teenage mothers recruitment for livelihood programme (English): : Additional Material: : Interview

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