Introducing: A completely new platform!


We’re thrilled to announce that we have transferred this old KNOW-HOW3000 platform to Microsoft SharePoint! This upgrade is all about enhancing user experience with faster access, intuitive navigation, and a smoother interface. Plus, it makes managing everything behind the scenes much simpler.

The new platform has two sites:

  1. Knowledge Hub: This site provides guides to our tools and methods, topic-specific information as well as communities of practice and exchange areas.
  2. Advisory Hub: This site serves as resource hub to support our advisors at every stage of their assignments (former TA Area).

These sites are only accessible to registered users. If you already had an account on the old KNOW-HOW3000 platform, you should be able to log-in with your registered email address. Please contact us, if you need access.


You can also visit the Learn & Share section of our new horizont3000 website for publicly available content.


KNOW-HOW3000 strives to help improve the work and impact of HORIZONT3000 projects through Knowledge Management. We believe in the power of sharing knowledge and experiences and making it accessible for all of our stakeholders.


We offer Knowledge Management Tools to our Partner Organisations. That way, we try to make capacity strengthening and knowledge exchange among them easier. This platform is one of the tools that help us to reach that goal.


Founded in 2007 as a new programme of HORIZONT3000, KNOW-HOW3000 has come to be a strong network of about 600 members across the globe. Together we have created a place where people gather to learn, share and build.


Its main purpose is to document, visualise and make the most relevant documents created in the scope of HORIZONT3000 projects available and accessible for our community – above all for Technical Advisors as well as Programme and Sector Coordinators.


Logged in users enjoy access to restricted content and features that are only available for our KNOW-HOW3000 community members. Get access to our Documents & Resources, Communities of Practice, Member Search, KNOW-HOW3000 News and depending on whether you are a Techical Advisor, H3 Staff or Returnee, you have access to areas that are specifically relevant to you.


The experience capitalisation methods the KNOW-HOW3000 stakeholders work with support the documentation and sharing of your organisation’s learning processes and therefore help you to work more efficiently. At the same time they help others by making your lessons learnt available to them.  

You can dive right into the stories of the HORIZONT3000 Partner Organisations about good practices and learnings from failure. Whether your project deals with Rural Development, Human Rights or Education – we are sure there is a valuable experience waiting for you to be discovered.

Click here and discover experiences

regarding Rural Development and Natural Ressource Management spanning from Climate Change and Agroecology to Organic Farming and Waste Management.

Click here and discover experiences

regarding Human Rights and Civil Society spanning from Empowerment and Community Inclusion to Gender Issues and Youth Networks.

Other Sectors

Education & Health

Apart from our two main sectors our Partner Organisations also work on projects that represent other sectors – as for instance Education and Health. The experiences span from Intercultural and Participative Education to School Management and Health Programmes. Find them featured by clicking the button below.


Our Partner Organisation Symbiose in Senegal has shared a learning from good practice experience with the KNOW-HOW3000 community. The experience deals with trainings for women in agroecological practices and so that they can spread the knowledge within their communities. Click the button below to learn more.

One of the newest experiences shared with us in the sector Human Rights and Civil Society Sector comes from our Partner Organisation LeMuSiCa in Mozambique. LeMuSiCa has carried out a project to engage men in the fight against gender-based violence. Click the button below to learn more.


The platform works as a sustainable storage for the knowledge products resulting from our projects.

It should serve our community as a tool to overcome challenges, find solutions and inspirations for their projects and exchange knowledge and experiences with others throughout their assignments. The platform also works as a hub for all the Knowledge Management activities that can be supported by IT solutions.


Updating Base Lines and Raising Awareness

"The update of baselines for the PMC-ADA interventions in Central America through KNOW-HOW3000 resulted in raising awareness about the meaning of monitoring and planning and to a result that wasn't planned in 2016. It resulted in the construction of a participatory monitoring system in collaboration with the NGO IDEA."


Hans Peter Rupilius & Diego Santos
Source: ADA Intervention Report, 2016


Hans Peter Rupilius & Diego Santos
Source: ADA Intervention Report, 2016

"The update of baselines for the PMC-ADA interventions in Central America through KNOW-HOW3000 resulted in raising awareness about the meaning of monitoring and planning and to a result that wasn't planned in 2016. It resulted in the construction of a participatory monitoring system in collaboration with the NGO IDEA."  

Exchange Visit Sows Progress

"From this visit on (2017), most of the participants - projekt and organisational partners - have improved their skills and capacities regarding agroecology. It helped them to properly include an agroecological approach and activities in their new project 2019-2022. For example, Symbiose, Caritas and Aprovag will implement agroecological practices in gardening and vegetable cultivation. This involves biological techniques and treatments of plants. In the Nioro region, Symbiose uses this for the target groups of the project to improve their yields and products."

Ismael Ndao & Jasmin Thomas, Burkina Faso 2018


Ismael Ndao & Jasmin Thomas, Burkina Faso 2018

"From this visit on (2017), most of the participants - projekt and organisational partners - have improved their skills and capacities regarding agroecology. It helped them to properly include an agroecological approach and activities in their new project 2019-2022. For example, Symbiose, Caritas and Aprovag will implement agroecological practices in gardening and vegetable cultivation. This involves biological techniques and treatments of plants. In the Nioro region, Symbiose uses this for the target groups of the project to improve their yields and products."

CoP Lead to Growth and Strength

"When creating knowledge together, we identify various aspects that allow our organizations to grow, because by sharing different activities that we have undertaken, we get a more complete picture of the variety of knowledge the women have. […] Through analysing processes and reasons, we create a greater level of awareness of our struggle for rights and empowerment, which illustrates that - despite regional differences - our interests and needs are the same. […] Through the community of practice, we prove that spaces for exchanging and sharing knowledge lead to the creation of alliances and stronger relationships, allowing women to know that there are other women carrying out the same fight. This leads to strength and growth of their organizations."

Source: Minutes of a Training
Meeting of CoP Mujeres in El Salvador, 2018


Source: Minutes of a Training
Meeting of CoP Mujeres in El Salvador, 2018

"When creating knowledge together, we identify various aspects that allow our organizations to grow, because by sharing different activities that we have undertaken, we get a more complete picture of the variety of knowledge the women have. […] Through analysing processes and reasons, we create a greater level of awareness of our struggle for rights and empowerment, which illustrates that - despite regional differences - our interests and needs are the same. […] Through the community of practice, we prove that spaces for exchanging and sharing knowledge lead to the creation of alliances and stronger relationships, allowing women to know that there are other women carrying out the same fight. This leads to strength and growth of their organizations."

One Training – Many Benefits

"I attended the QuickBooks training in 2016 organised by Horizont3000’s KNOW-HOW3000 Programme and was happy because the training content combined budget management, cash management and accounting. One of the key outcomes of the training was seen when I returned to Mhola: I was able to reduce the time needed for producing financial reports. This in turn has led to increased efficiency in the organisation. Currently, we no longer have challenges with accuracy because Quick books already has in-built formulas."

Source: Annual Report 2018
from East Africa


Source: Annual Report 2018
from East Africa

"I attended the QuickBooks training in 2016 organised by Horizont3000’s KNOW-HOW3000 Programme and was happy because the training content combined budget management, cash management and accounting. One of the key outcomes of the training was seen when I returned to Mhola: I was able to reduce the time needed for producing financial reports. This in turn has led to increased efficiency in the organisation. Currently, we no longer have challenges with accuracy because Quick books already has in-built formulas."

Policy Dialogue Workshop

“I really have learnt a lot from this workshop and I am looking forward to apply all the knowledge and skills I learnt. My expectations were fully met and beyond - it was refreshing to re-learn and un-learn. The pool of organisations that participated in the sharing event had a vast range of experiences in their respective areas of work which supported not only experience sharing on CSOs engagement in policy dialogue but also sharing on the wider impact of policy dialogue in the operations of humanitarian organisations.”

Jennifer Okusia, Senior Programme Officer
Uganda, 2016


Jennifer Okusia, Senior Programme Officer
Uganda, 2016

“I really have learnt a lot from this workshop and I am looking forward to apply all the knowledge and skills I learnt. My expectations were fully met and beyond - it was refreshing to re-learn and un-learn. The pool of organisations that participated in the sharing event had a vast range of experiences in their respective areas of work which supported not only experience sharing on CSOs engagement in policy dialogue but also sharing on the wider impact of policy dialogue in the operations of humanitarian organisations.”

Share Your Knowledge

“Having knowledge without sharing, is like putting yourself on the same level as someone without ideas”, says a wise man. Therefore I thank you for this platform of knowledge.”

Cheikh Seye, ASAFODEB, Senegal


Cheikh Seye, ASAFODEB, Senegal

“Having knowledge without sharing, is like putting yourself on the same level as someone without ideas”, says a wise man. Therefore I thank you for this platform of knowledge.”

Share via the KNOW-HOW3000 Platform

"Thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to share via the KNOW-HOW3000 Platform. I was able to log in smoothly. Lots of useful information there! We are proud to be associated with HORIZONT3000."

Evans Oriwo, Programme Manager at MCF Panairobi, Kenya


Evans Oriwo, Programme Manager at MCF Panairobi, Kenya

"Thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to share via the KNOW-HOW3000 Platform. I was able to log in smoothly. Lots of useful information there! We are proud to be associated with HORIZONT3000."

Platform Is a Great Resource

"Thanks for sharing the fresh news from KNOW-HOW3000 internet platform. It is a great resource and we will increasingly tap it for our organization development programme. Hoping to share our experience as we make use of the platform."

Andrew Peter Tamale Ssali, Equity2012, Uganda


Andrew Peter Tamale Ssali, Equity2012, Uganda

"Thanks for sharing the fresh news from KNOW-HOW3000 internet platform. It is a great resource and we will increasingly tap it for our organization development programme. Hoping to share our experience as we make use of the platform."

Making Our Work Visible

"Dear HORIZONT3000 Knowledge Management Team, we wish to let you know that we gladly received the valuable and informative newsletter and we are very excited to see our work featured there."

Juana Villareyna
Fundación Entre Mujeres, Nicaragua, 2019


Juana Villareyna
Fundación Entre Mujeres, Nicaragua, 2019

"Dear HORIZONT3000 Knowledge Management Team, we wish to let you know that we gladly received the valuable and informative newsletter and we are very excited to see our work featured there."

Keep up Solidarity

"Thank you very much for the newsletter. It keeps solidarity and knowledge management alive."

Roberto Rodríguez Sandoval,
Fundesyram, El Salvador, 2019


Roberto Rodríguez Sandoval,
Fundesyram, El Salvador, 2019

"Thank you very much for the newsletter. It keeps solidarity and knowledge management alive."

Knowledge Is Power

“We are so happy about winning the KNOWLYMPICS2017, mostly because we believe that knowledge is power but sharing knowledge is powerful! Let's use the experiences from both of the partners to improve our interventions!”

Cathbert Tomitho,
LARRRI/HAKIARDHI, Tanzania, 2017


Cathbert Tomitho,
LARRRI/HAKIARDHI, Tanzania, 2017

“We are so happy about winning the KNOWLYMPICS2017, mostly because we believe that knowledge is power but sharing knowledge is powerful! Let's use the experiences from both of the partners to improve our interventions!”

Building Connections

"The KNOWLYMPICS is a very important initiative that gives us the possibility to connect better with each other, both TAs and the partner organisations."

Susanne Kummer, Technical Advisor
MIRIAM, Guatemala, 2017


Susanne Kummer, Technical Advisor
MIRIAM, Guatemala, 2017

"The KNOWLYMPICS is a very important initiative that gives us the possibility to connect better with each other, both TAs and the partner organisations."

Promotes good practices

"We are very pleased and thrilled to have been taken as winners of this game. We consider it a great opportunity to achieve a wider reach for the promotion of good practices, for both - families and communities, that have been carried out in the South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region of Nicaragua on issues regarding Climate Change adaption and mitigation."


Sandra Pavon,
BlueEnergy, Nicaragua, 2018


Sandra Pavon,
BlueEnergy, Nicaragua, 2018

"We are very pleased and thrilled to have been taken as winners of this game. We consider it a great opportunity to achieve a wider reach for the promotion of good practices, for both - families and communities, that have been carried out in the South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region of Nicaragua on issues regarding Climate Change adaption and mitigation."  

ToolBox for Organizational Development

"I use the ToolBox a lot, above all for Organizational Development, Finances, Accounting, Controlling, HR and Marketing. I have downloaded a lot of the documents available and I send them to my two counterparts, when we are working on those topics."

Christian Pichler, Technical Advisor,
Karudeca & Sawaka, Tanzania, 2019


Christian Pichler, Technical Advisor,
Karudeca & Sawaka, Tanzania, 2019

"I use the ToolBox a lot, above all for Organizational Development, Finances, Accounting, Controlling, HR and Marketing. I have downloaded a lot of the documents available and I send them to my two counterparts, when we are working on those topics."

Partners Benefiting from the ToolBox

"I have read several documents in the ToolBox and got inspired by them. I then used them in assisting partner organisations with a specific problem or challenge."

Floor van den Berg, Asesor Técnico
Fundesyram, El Salvador, 2019


Floor van den Berg, Asesor Técnico
Fundesyram, El Salvador, 2019

"I have read several documents in the ToolBox and got inspired by them. I then used them in assisting partner organisations with a specific problem or challenge."


Instead of reinventing the wheel, why not take a look and see what others have been doing and how it went for them?

Find experiences, systematisations, evaluations, manuals & handbooks, publications & studies and infos on sector strategies here. Save time and effort by using documents, guides and templates that the KNOW-HOW3000 members have already created for the different sectors.




with funding from