Category News: Senegal

Interview Series - Programme Report 2020: Senegal

: Published: August 24, 2021:

Reporting processes usually dont make it to rank in our office favorite task charts. Their content, however, is quite interesting, which is why we decided to have a special interview series in order to pack up the report contents in a more entertaining way. In this post Jasmin Thomas, Programme Coordinator of Senegal, shares her personal point …

Diénabou Baldé: "Step up and make a difference"

: Published: December 1, 2021:

After almost 3 years, I am very lucky to be back visiting our partner region in Senegal. I really enjoy being able to meet colleagues and partners face to face again. Besides, I have visited a lot of different partner projects already and had some very interesting conversations. One of them I wanted to share with you. …

Interview on Rainwater Harvesting! "Sustainability depends on community dynamics"

: Published: August 22, 2022:

How can you get easy access to safe drinking water when boreholes are contaminated with too much fluoride and mineral salt? For many years, this was a pressing question for communities in the Fatick region, located in the Sahel Zone of Western Senegal. A solution was found in the form of so-called Rainwater Harvesting systems …

Dakar Conference: Agroecology as a response to the climate catastrophe

: Published: February 6, 2023: Retrouvez la version française ci-dessous (ou téléchargez-la au format PDF ici).:

: We came to this conference to promote an agroecology that includes grassroots actors. We want to make agroecology a reality, not only in Senegal, but in all of Africa. : – Ndiaga Sall, Project Manager of ENDA Santé – partner organisation of HORIZONT3000:

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Senegal: Participative Research on Agroecology

: Published: February 11, 2020:

Retrouvez la version française ci-dessous.: : Agroecology is the trending topic when it comes to sustainable and effective solutions regarding Rural Development. Thats the reason why I would like to introduce you to this project about Participative Investigation on Agroecology in the Nioro du Rip Department in Senegal, which is still ongoing until the end of this year. I …

Climate Change Senegal: "Think Globally, Act Locally"

: Published: July 1, 2019:

May stands for Intercambio – at least in the little HORIZONT3000 Universe. 2019 was no exception. All of the Regional and Country Office directors, representatives from our Member Organisations as well as the HORIZONT3000 Vienna team got together to review last years plans and achievements and to discuss results, new developments and strategies.: : During a small break between …

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