Category News: Rural Development - Natural Resource Management

Training: Sustainable irrigation systems

: Published: December 7, 2022:

After last year’s successful training about “Production (and commercialization) of good quality seed in the family sector”, this year was organized another agriculture training in Mozambique. The topic was chosen by partner organisations of HORIZONT3000, which saw an urgent need to learn more about “Sustainable irrigation systems in the context of climate crisis”. The training took …

Dakar Conference: Agroecology as a response to the climate catastrophe

: Published: February 6, 2023: Retrouvez la version française ci-dessous (ou téléchargez-la au format PDF ici).:

: We came to this conference to promote an agroecology that includes grassroots actors. We want to make agroecology a reality, not only in Senegal, but in all of Africa. : – Ndiaga Sall, Project Manager of ENDA Santé – partner organisation of HORIZONT3000:

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Walking a Tightrope Under Covid-19

: Published: December 21, 2020:


I have to admit, this is a somewhat attention-grabbing title for an experience report that attempts to describe the balancing act that my work as an advisor in the development sector in Mozambique in 2020 entailed. What do I mean here by tightrope walk?

I went to Mozambique at …

Learning Visit: Coffee project of Gorongosa National Park

: Published: November 27, 2023:

At the beginning of 2023 a Community of Practice (CoP) was created by HORIZONT3000 with the objective to exchange relevant experiences and gain new knowledge about Agro-forestry Systems in Mozambique between various partner organizations. The Coffee project of the Gorongosa National Park is seen as a successful agroforestry example in Mozambique. Of course, the members …

Nutrition and Agriculture Projects with Refugee Communities

: Published: November 23, 2021:

Uganda is one of the top refugee hosting countries in the world, with a total of currently almost 1.5 million displaced people living within its borders. More than half of these refugees fled from conflicts in South Sudan and are settled in the Northern Region of the country. Frontline staffers of PALM Corps that are engaged directly …

Announcement: KNOWLYMPICS 2022

: Published: November 15, 2021:

Pour la version française de cet article, veuillez cliquer ici.

Dear colleagues in our Partner Organisations,: : Its this time of the year again! We are announcing the next round of our KNOWLYMPICS with a special interest focus.

You are probably already familiar with the KNOWLYMPICS. A quick reminder, however, wont do any harm: In our KNOW-HOW3000 Knowledge Management Programme …

Insights from our Agricultural Training about Seed Production in Mozambique

Published: November 18, 2021

On October 28 and 29, 14 technicians from 4 Partner Organisations of HORIZONT3000 in Mozambique met to learn more about “Seed Production and Commercialization for smallholders”. The training was organized and funded by the KNOW-HOW3000 programme and it was a great success!


The main objectives were that the …

Interview Series - Programme Report 2020: Senegal

: Published: August 24, 2021:

Reporting processes usually dont make it to rank in our office favorite task charts. Their content, however, is quite interesting, which is why we decided to have a special interview series in order to pack up the report contents in a more entertaining way. In this post Jasmin Thomas, Programme Coordinator of Senegal, shares her personal point …

Interview Series - Programme Report 2020: Central America

: Published: September 30, 2021:

Welcome to round 3 of our interview series on the 2020 programme reports. This time, we invited our colleague Kristina Kroyer, programme coordinator of Central America, to share her thoughts on the process, highlights, lessons learned and surprises with us. Keep reading and find out what has moved our partner organisations in Central America in 2020.

Kristina, how …

Learning about Resource Mobilisation made easy!

: Published: November 29, 2021:

Financial stability and income diversification are high-priority topics for our partner organisations worldwide. The East Africa region has taken up the demand for this topic, developed a resource mobilisation guide and facilitated an innovative training series under the KNOW-HOW3000 programme.

For the development of the guide three Technical Advisors for Resource Mobilisation, Agnes Koechl, Lisa Nixdorf und …

Diénabou Baldé: "Step up and make a difference"

: Published: December 1, 2021:

After almost 3 years, I am very lucky to be back visiting our partner region in Senegal. I really enjoy being able to meet colleagues and partners face to face again. Besides, I have visited a lot of different partner projects already and had some very interesting conversations. One of them I wanted to share with you. …

Interview Series: TA Report with Anne Terheggen

: Published: January 12, 2022:

Yes, its been a while, since we last published one of our report interviews. However, the topic did not become any less relevant in the meantime. Thats why our first news post of 2022 features a conversation I was lucky to have with Anne Terheggen back in 2021. Anne is a Technical Advisor in West Nile, …

Mango, Banana, and Eucalyptus: Reforestation and Climate Action at YAAT, Mozambique

: Published: July 21, 2022:

: Purpose and area of work:

Young Africa Agri-Tech (YAAT) is an agricultural training centre for disadvantaged youths located in Dondo, Sofala Province. It is part of Young Africa Mozambique and currently has an average of about 350 enrolled students. The YAAT farm is producing vegetables, maize, rice, beans etc. as well as slaughter …

Exchange Visit to El Salvador: We Went There to Learn

: Published: July 31, 2022:

My colleagues and I, part of the Salvaguarda project team, packed our bags for fourteen days in El Salvador. The trip was planned since November 2021 when we agreed on the dates and intentions of the experiences exchange between civil society organizations supported by the Austrian cooperation in El Salvador (Horizont3000, DKA and the Austrian Development …

Interview on Rainwater Harvesting! "Sustainability depends on community dynamics"

: Published: August 22, 2022:

How can you get easy access to safe drinking water when boreholes are contaminated with too much fluoride and mineral salt? For many years, this was a pressing question for communities in the Fatick region, located in the Sahel Zone of Western Senegal. A solution was found in the form of so-called Rainwater Harvesting systems …

ERI has done it again!

: Published: October 12, 2022:

The ERI (Enabling Rural Innovation) East Africa Project has undertaken yet another systematisation of their experiences. For those who have not heard about it yet, ERI is a strategic approach that helps smallholder farmers to become self-reliant entrepreneurs (read more about it here). It motivates farmers to organise themselves into strong …


: Published: October 13, 2022:

On 1st September, 2022, HORIZONT3000 held the first global ERI symposium at Las Vegas Hotel, Kampala, Uganda in East Africa. : : Since the KNOWHOW3000 program of HORIZONT3000 exists to foster cross learning between HORIZONT3000 partners and other actors, this symposium was organized to provide a platform for various stakeholders to learn from …

Diego Santos and Central America: "Let's show the people that we stand with them!"

: Published: November 2, 2020:

In the midst of one meeting after the other and the thorough handover process of the Programme Coordination of the Central American Region to his successor Kristina Kroyer, Diego Santos-Santiago managed to take the time to have a chat with me, answer some questions and paint a picture of the current situation in Central America regarding our …

Solutions for living in harmony with semiarid climate

: Published: October 14, 2020:

Hans Gnadlinger has been working with HORIZONT3000 for over 20 years as a TA in Brazil. At the moment he is already retired, but he keeps collaborating with national and international networks of rainwater harvesting experts.: : In our projects at HORIZONT3000 rainwater harvesting is a very current topic, which is why we ran our lastest KNOWLYMPICS under …

Papua New Guinea - The End or the Beginning?

: Published: September 21, 2020:

A personal essay of a returnee

I am sitting in the train on my way through the beautiful Austrian alps. Lush green, blue lakes, pleasant temperatures. I’ve been back „home“ for three months now and still it makes me sad, whenever Papua comes to my mind. I decide to use the time of my train ride to put …

with funding from