Sharing Event: CSO Engagement in Policy Dialogue

Published: January 10, 2017

From 2014 to 2016, a Consortium of 5 Austrian NGOs was implementing a pilot project with the objective to strengthen capacities of East African NGOs regarding policy dialogue, working with 7 local partner organisations; namely CARE Uganda, WORUDET, MIONET, SOS-Children’s Villages Tanzania, DESECE, Kenya Red Cross and GROOTS Kenya. In 2 years of implementing this project, in total 17 East African or-ganisations were trained on policy dialogue, different tools and ways of engagement in policy dialogue, evidence based research and media engagement. The 7 partner organisations within this consortia project have implemented small action funds for policy dialogue and gained various experiences. From 25th to 27th of October 2016 a final sharing event was held in Kampala (Uganda) to close this pilot consortia project and to give participants a platform to share experiences, to foster network and coalition building and to elaborate recommendations on CSOs engagement in Policy Dialogue.

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