Tag: Financial Management

Good Practice: Promotion of a saving and credit culture in target communities

Country: Uganda; Organisation: Caritas Kiyinda-Mityana : : AT A GLANCE: Promotion of a saving and target culture in target communities (English): : AT A GLANCE: Promover una cultura de ahorro y crédito en comunidades destinatarias (Spanish): : IN DETAIL: Promotion of a saving and target culture in target communities (English)

Good Practice: Saving and credit scheme mobilization

Country: Tanzania; Organization: ADP Mbozi: : AT A GLANCE: Saving and credit scheme mobilization as a strategy for project sustainability (English): : AT A GLANCE: Movilización de esquemas de ahorro y crédito como estratégicas para la sustentabilidad de proyectos (Spanish): : IN DETAIL: Saving and credit scheme mobilization as a strategy for

Learning from Failure: Farmers´ failing to manage revolving funds for constructing water tanks

Country: Uganda; Organization: Caritas MADDO: : AT A GLANCE: Farmers´failing to manage revolving funds for constructing water tanks (English): : AT A GLANCE: El fallo de agricultores de manejar un fondo rotatorio para construir tanques de agua (Spanish): : IN DETAIL: Farmers´failing to manage revolving funds for constructing water tanks (English)

Good Practice: School Management

Country: Papua New Guinea; Organization: Catholic Education Agency Bougainville: : AT A GLANCE: School Management (English): : AT A GLANCE: School Management (Spanish): : IN DETAIL: School Management (English): : Additional Material: : Course Book Advanced Financial Management for Primary and Vocational Schools (Level 1) (English): : School Financial Health Check (English)

Good Practice: SUMA - Sustainable financial management in Higher Education institutions

Country: Region Central America; Organization: FH Joanneum: : AT A GLANCE: SUMA – Sustainable financial management in Higher Education institutions (English): : AT A GLANCE: SUMA – gestión financiera sostenible en Instituciones de enseñanza superior (Spanish)

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