“Foto de acción” en el sol de la tarde en Xela

After an interesting day at the KH3000 workshop ‘Autosostenibilidad integral de las organisaciones'(facilitated by Paul Menchu), we have gathered in the beautiful garden of COFA (Family Movement Christian Quetzaltenango) to take an “action photo”.
Workshop participants came from different partner NGOs, such as CCDA – Comité Campesino del Altiplano, Colectivo No’J, MIRIAM – Associación para la Promoción Intelectual de la Mujer, PSQUICHE – Pastoral Sociál Diocesis de Quiché y UAM – Unión de Agricultores Minifundistas, to appreciate the exchange.

Eva Gaderer

Eva Gaderer

Eva was a flying TA in Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua in the area of social communication.

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Lisa Hochfellner
4 years ago

… está bailando la Susanne? 🙂 Que bonito intercambio. Muchos saludos a todos y todas!

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