Make Your Experiences Count. They Can Change the World.
Your experiences can change the world. How? What we most learn from are our experiences. What if we not only learn from our own experiences, but also from the experiences other stakeholders of the KNOW-HOW3000 network make? We would have a much larger pool of references in order to make the right decisions that lead the projects to its goals and beyond.
Let’s learn from each other and reach our goals! Below you can find good practices and see how partners have learnt from failures. These experiences have gone through our experience capitalisation process in order to make them more applicable.
Learn more about the 4 steps of experience capitalisation:
The experience is shared via the KNOW-HOW3000 Internet Platform, our newsletter, partners’ homepages, regional or international sharing events (conferences, exchange visits, “EoE”, etc.), e-mail, or any other way.
Within the capitalisation process, HORIZONT3000 uses a fundamental method: the systematisation of experiences. Systematisation means to collectively reconstruct and systematically document what has happened, reflect on it, and draw lessons learnt. Experiences thus turn into shareable knowledge, which can be adopted, adapted, and applied by others.
Watch this instructional video to learn more about the systematisation of experiences:
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Country: Mozambique; Organisation: Jossoal AT A GLANCE: Sustained male involvement in family life País: Moçambique; Organização: Jossoal COM UM OLHAR: Envolvimento masculino sustentado na vida familiar
Country: Uganda; Organisation: Mill Hill Missionaries Kotido AT A GLANCE: Self-Help Groups Approach
Country: El Salvador; Organisation: Fundación Circulo Solidario (FCS) AT A GLANCE: Creation of a support network for women
Organisation: Rescue Dada Centre; Country: Kenya AT A GLANCE: Case Management in Multidisciplinary Teams (English) A UN VISTAZO: Gestión de Casos en Equipos Multidisciplinarios (Español) IN DETAIL: Concept and Standard Operating Procedures for CM in MDT (English) Additional Info: Case Management in Multidisciplinary Teams – Flow Chart News entry: Success…
Country: El Salvador; Organisation: Fundación Segundo Montes (FSM) AT A GLANCE: Fight for Ban on Pesticides in El Salvador (English) A UN VISTAZO: La lucha contra los agrotóxicos en El Salvador (Español) IN DETAIL: La lucha contra los agrotóxicos en El Salvador (Español)
Country: Uganda; Organisation: Resource Rights Africa AT A GLANCE: Lecture Mode During Community Sensitation and Awareness Campaigns (English) A UN VISTAZO: Uso de la modalidad de conferencia durante las campañas de sensibilización y concienciación de la comunidad (Spanish) IN DETAIL: Lecture Mode During Community Sensitation and Awareness Campaigns (English)
Country: Mozambique; Organisation: LeMuSiCa AT A GLANCE: Engaging Men in the Fight against Gender-Based Violence (English) COM UM OLHAR: Envolver homens e rapazes na luta contra violência baseada no gênero (Portuguese) EM DETALHE: Envolver homens e rapazes na luta contra violência baseada no gênero (Portuguese)
Country: Tanzania; Organisation: Human Life Defense Department, Rulenge Ngara Catholic Diocese AT A GLANCE: Advocacy for the Rights of People with Disabilities (English) A UN VISTAZO: Incidencia política para personas con discapacidades (Spanish) IN DETAIL: Advocacy for the Rights of People with Disabilities (English)
Country: Kenya and Nigeria; Organisation: Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN) AT A GLANCE: Christian Advocacy for Family Planning in Africa (CAFPA) Project (English) A UN VISTAZO: Proyecto de Incidencia cristiana para la planificación familiar en África (CAFPA) (Spanish) IN DETAIL: Christian Advocacy for Family Planning in Africa (CAFPA) Project (English)
Country: Uganda; Organisation: Caritas Mityana AT A GLANCE: Involving Communities in Identifying Policy Issues (English) A UN VISTAZO: Involucrando comunidades para identificar problemas de política (Spanish) IN DETAIL: Involving Communities in Identifying Policy Issues (English)
Country: El Salvador; Organisation: ACIJOES AT A GLANCE: Organisational strategies for the youth network of ACIJOES (English) AT A GLANCE: Estrategias organizativas de la red juvenil de la ACIJOES (Spanish) IN DETAIL: Estrategias organizativas de la red juvenil de la ACIJOES (Spanish)
Country: Uganda; Organisation: Caritas Kiyinda-Mityana AT A GLANCE: Promotion of a saving and target culture in target communities (English) AT A GLANCE: Promover una cultura de ahorro y crédito en comunidades destinatarias (Spanish) IN DETAIL: Promotion of a saving and target culture in target communities (English)
Country: Uganda; Organisation: BOSCO Uganda AT A GLANCE: Staff achievement of organisational and project goals (English) AT A GLANCE: Las capacidades del personal para alcanzar los objetivos de la organización y del proyecto (Spanish) IN DETAIL: Staff achievement of organisational and project goals (English)
Country: Nicaragua; Organization: Asociación Educativa Integral para una Juventud Sana (AEIJSA) AT A GLANCE: Active Paternity with indigenous men (English) AT A GLANCE: Paternidad activa con hombres indígenas (Spanish) IN DETAIL: Paternidad activa con hombres indígenas (Spanish)
Country: Guatemala; Organisation: Asociación Proyecto MIRIAM para la promoción intelectual de la mujer AT A GLANCE: Diploma programs in gender for a life free of violence and racism (English) AT A GLANCE: Diplomados de género para una vida libre de violencia y racismo (Spanish) IN DETAIL: Diplomados de género para…
Country: Guatemala; Organization: Asociación Proyecto MIRIAM para la promoción intelectual de la mujer AT A GLANCE: Strategic model for the promotion of a full life, free of racism and gender violence (English) AT A GLANCE: Modelo estratégico para la promoción de una vida plena, libre de racismo y violencia de…
Country: Guatemala; Organization: Asociación Proyecto MIRIAM para la promoción intelectual de la mujer AT A GLANCE: Strategic model for the promotion of a full life, free of racism and gender violence (English) AT A GLANCE: Modelo estratégico para la promoción de una vida plena, libre de racismo y violencia de…
Country: Tanzania; Organization: Land Rights Research & Resources Institute (LARRRI/HAKIARDHI) AT A GLANCE: Poor Participation of Women in Public Debates on Land Rights (English) AT A GLANCE: Baja participación de las mujeres en debates públicos sobre los derechos de propiedad (Spanish) IN DETAIL: Poor Participation of Women in Public Debates…
Country: Kenya; Organization: Mukuru Slums Development Projects (MSDP) AT A GLANCE: Halfway House Rehabilitation Centre: Timothy’s story (English) AT A GLANCE: Centro de rehabilitación Halfway: La historia de Timothy (Spanish) IN DETAIL: Halfway House Rehabilitation Centre: Timothy’s story (English)
Country: Uganda; Organization: Loyoro Catholic Parish AT A GLANCE: Ignoring the power of women to influence men (English) AT A GLANCE: Ignoring the power of women to influence men (Spanish) IN DETAIL: Ignoring the power of women to influence men (English)
Country: Uganda; Organization: Battery Operated System for Community Outreach (BOSCO) AT A GLANCE: Connectivity, Electricity, and Education for Entrepreneurship (CE3) (English) AT A GLANCE: Connectivity, Electricity, and Education for Entrepreneurship (CE3) (Spanish) IN DETAIL: Connectivity, Electricity, and Education for Entrepreneurship (CE3) (English) Additional Material Booklet: The CE3 Project (English)
Country: Kenya; Organization: Mathare Children’s Fund panairobi (MCFp) AT A GLANCE: Teenage mothers recruitment for livelihood programme (English) AT A GLANCE: Proceso de reclutamiento de madres adolescentes para el programa de medios de subsistencia (Spanish) IN DETAIL: Teenage mothers recruitment for livelihood programme (English) Additional Material Interview with MCFp on their…
Country: Bazil; Organization: Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) AT A GLANCE: Arpilleras – Embroidering Resistence (English) AT A GLANCE: Arpilleras – Bordando a resistência (Portuguese) AT A GLANCE: Arpilleras – Bordando la resistencia (Spanish) IN DETAIL: Arpilleras – Bordando a resistência (Portuguese) Additional Material Metodologia: “Como fazer uma…
Country: Kenya; Organization: Development Education Services For Community Empowerment (DESECE) AT A GLANCE: Mediation on Human Rights Violation Cases (English) AT A GLANCE: Mediación en casos de violación de los derechos humanos (Spanish) IN DETAIL: Mediation on Human Rights Violation Cases (English) Additional Material Most Significant Change Story: Knowledge is…
Country: Global; Organization: Various AT A GLANCE: TRIALOG – Development NGOs in the Enlarged EU (English) AT A GLANCE: TRIALOG – ONGs de desarrollo en una UE ampliada (Spanish) Additional Material Systematisation: TRIALOG in the enlarged EU – 15 years supporting civil society to engage in development (short version) (English)…
Country: Brazil; Organization: Federation of the Indigenous Organizations of the Rio Negro (FOIRN) AT A GLANCE: ICIPRN – Institute on Indigenous Knowledge and Research of the Rio Negro (English) AT A GLANCE: Instituto de Conocimiento e Investigación Indígenas de Río Negro (Spanish) AT A GLANCE: ICIPRN – Instituto dos Conhecimentos…
Country: Global; Organization: Various AT A GLANCE: Systematisation (English) AT A GLANCE: Systematisation (Spanish) Additional Material Handbook Systematization – Learning from our experience (2015) (English) Manual de sistematización participativa – Aprendiendo de nuestra experiencia (Spanish) Guide à la systémisation participative – Aprendre a partir de notre experience (French) Doing, knowing, learning: Case…